THE SPRINGROLL TRILOGY is an award-winning visual account of one man's journey from the food-filled streets of the Saigon he left 30 years ago in the midst of war to his adopted American life. The TRILOGY tells the story of Asian immigrants in America from their perspective through the metaphor and lens of food taking the viewer on a contemporary exploration of the cultural traditions of Vietnam. Film makers Paul Kwan and Arnold Iger have created visually compelling programs that combine a spectrum of storytelling styles using documentary verite -- animation, puppetry, historical photographs to describe Kwan's personal journey.
Arnold Iger and Paul Kwan are co-founders of Persona Grata Productions, an interdisciplinary production company based in San Francisco, that create videos, theatrical performances and art exhibitions. The duo directed, produced and wrote ANATOMY OF A SPRINGROLL, PINS AND NOODLES and A WOK IN PROGRESS (A Springroll Family Trilogy). They have won awards from the American Film Institute, National Endowments for the Arts, California Arts Council, National Asian American Telecommunications Association, Corporation for Public Broadcasting, San Francisco Arts Commission, San Francisco Grants for the Arts and the Independent Television Service. >Read Full History of the Trilogy
Paul Kwan's journey from the food-filled street of San Francisco to the back streets of the Saigon. >Play Clip
A gastrnomic safari in search of a cure for Kwan's allergies that turns into a life-threatening ordeal. >Play Clip
In Wok In Progress, Kwan reveals how memories contained are the key to rebuilding his life. >Play Clip
Cook with Recipes from the Films! >Recipes |